Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay about Video Games Inspire Violent Behavior - 3148 Words

INTRODUCTION Teen violence is a term used to define collective behaviors by teenagers that are not acceptable by the society. These behaviors range from slapping, bullying, hitting, assault and even armed robbery. Teen violence has been affecting many societies and has destructive history to communities. Although many factors have been pointed out to cause teen violence, studies show that modeling behaviors are the most common causes of teen violence in the society. These include behaviors as seen in the movies, on the streets, on the video games and at home. Social engineering factors and psychology behind teen violence are some of the main challenges contributing to teen violence. Video games, in particular, have caused the prevalence†¦show more content†¦These teens tend to develop antisocial personality disorder (Doyle-Portillo Ellen, 2011). When people suffering from antisocial personality disorder come into contact with tools such as knives and guns, they end up practicing acts that are harmful. Recently, the prevalence of antisocial personality disorder was found to be the main cause of sandy hook shootings. These shootings led to death of many innocent people. Moreover, the lack of policies to control guns has contributed to availability of guns to individuals who do not have any form of control in the usage of guns. When these guns end up to bad people or to those suffering from mental illnesses, this led to mass shootings (Henigan, 2009). Recently, American psychologists in concert with specialized physicians have completed a number of researches by examining the influence of video games in teenagers and teenage outlook. The outcome of video game on human conduct results to smocking, sex, and teen violence among others. General practitioners and psychologist have contributed radically in supporting American government and healthcare association on how to handle issues related to medical and mental illness from teenagers affected by video games. Physiologists have identified complicating psychological facet in more than 70% of brain complains among teenagers. Situation such as mood disorder, nervousness, substance misuse, weight loss, and unrelieved headaches are resulted by brain fatigueShow MoreRelatedDo Video Games Inspire Violent Behavior?1713 Words   |  7 Pageseffects of violent video games and the development of today’s youth. Many people believe that the violence in video games promotes aggression. Ac cording to Doctor Brad Bushman’s article, Do Violent Video Games Increase Aggression? he claims that violent video games leads to aggression because it is interactive process that teaches and rewards violent behavior. Yet others believe that this not the case. Gregg Toppo of the Scientific American, writes in his article, â€Å"Do Video Games Inspire Violent BehaviorRead MoreViolent Video Games And Violence855 Words   |  4 Pagesto violence has been hotly debated. Since the introduction of violent video games in the 1970’s, for example, the shooting games Empire and Maze War from 1973, people have noticed that violent video games induce violent behavior in players, especially in teenage males. Despite people seeing the negative influence of violent media earlier as well, only in the last two decades has video game violence come to the forefront as video game popularity has increased. With the growing influence of digitalRead MoreEssay on The Negative Effects of Vio lent Video Games1529 Words   |  7 Pagesor what inspired these attacks on these innocent victims? This question has become an epidemic in our country. We live in a violent world and young people have easy access to it whether its on television, in music or on the Internet. But with the explosion of media entertainment in recent years, video games have come under scrutiny as to whether or not violence in video games numbs children and teens to the consequences of real-life violence. The answer to this question is yes. Young children andRead MoreViolent Media Is Good For Kids909 Words   |  4 PagesBarbarically inspiring Violent media; a strikingly relevant phenomenon millions are becoming captivated by. It’s everywhere you go, on your phone, the TV or on the computer. As much as people try to avoid it, they soon realize it’s ineluctable. Gerard Jones, a comic-book author, released a brief report, â€Å"Violent Media Is Good for Kids† that argued violent media is not only beneficial to children but also inspiring. He goes on to support his claim by sampling his own personal experiences. HoweverRead MoreDo Video Games Contribute For Video Game Violence?1170 Words   |  5 Pages Do video games contribute to video game violence? I will discuss why video games do not contribute to youth violence, what types of warnings are given by video game companies, and what flaws exist in studies that suggest a correlation between violence and gaming. As the sales of video games have risen in recent years, some groups claim that violence in these games has caused violent behaviors among young players. However, this argument bears little factual evidence supporting such a connectionRead MoreEng 1011630 Words   |  7 PagesViolence in Music Videos and Music Lyrics has a negative impact on children. Music videos that expose profanity and sexuality are inappropriate and leave a negative impression on young children. Violence in music videos can cause health problem. Music videos that promote negative lyrics are affecting young children. Music lyrics with vulgar languages affect the development and well-being of young children. For example, the study author (Stone, 2009) found â€Å"that music with explicit referen cesRead More Does The Influence of Music Have an Effect Contemporary Youth?977 Words   |  4 Pagestoday’s films, as well as films years ago. Violence in video games can manipulate one’s perspective on the value of life to the point where killing can seem meaningless. Music is a tool of expression that an artist uses to vent their frustrations and to reveal their emotions; it is not to brainwash kids into believing that violence is the way out. Music is not the problem here. Yet many refuse to realize that violence in movies and video games, which are more vivid and realistic, has a much largerRead MoreVideo Games Cause Violent Behavior Essay1600 Words   |  7 PagesFrom Math Games for kids to blood and gore video games have a lot of different sides to them. Video games are decided on by the player. Saying that games cause violent behavior in kids is inaccurate. We as people decide who we are and what we will do with our lives. A digital screen and a controller can’t make us any more violent than we already are. Blaming violence on a simple sixty dollar piece of plastic is unfair. Games are rated early childhood to Adult only. This means that what we play isRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On Children And Young People1498 Words   |  6 Pagesthis incident the deadliest mass shooting at a high school or grade school in U.S. history. It may seem ridiculous to think that this was derived from video games. The Daily News reported that Lanza had many video games in his house promoting mass murder, school shootings, and gun violence, which police believed helped to inspire Lanza’s, â€Å"sick, game-style high score†. The release of this evidence contributed to a continuing debate on the extent of the effects of media on children and young peopleRead MoreViolent Video Games in the Twenty-First Century: The Truth Essay1649 Words   |  7 Pagespromotes moral behavior. However, in the case of the Columbine Massacre, fear was spread like wildfire across the nation, catapulting it into the panic that would come to point fingers at any half-truth. The nation would come to see a cause for teen violence where there was none. Fear, in this case, would result in one of the many half-truths that are still heavily debated to this day. Although this half-truth regards video games resulting in teenage violence, the effects of video games on children

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Great Divergence Is An Enlightening And Critical...

Renowned columnist Timothy Noah’s book, The Great Divergence, is an enlightening and critical examination of America’s ever-growing income inequality. Noah distinguishes his book from others of its kind by suggesting a number of surprising causal relationships among American income inequality and a number of unexpected variables. These variables include immigration, inability to fund higher education, tax loopholes for the top tenth of one percent of earners, and unequal government. Additionally, he works with more common predictors of income inequality including race and socioeconomic status. Because of Noah’s thought-provoking, original, and unexpected content, his book reads more similar to Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner’s Freakonomics than the textbook-style approach of William Domhoff’s Who Rules America? Noah’s contribution is not simply another book about the drastic income inequality pervading American society. Instead, delving deep into the true roots of the problem and beginning to understand real solutions, Noah presents a case that is undoubtedly worth reading. While the concepts, statistics, and conclusions Noah raises are vitally important to the overall message of the book, it could never achieve critical acclaim without its accessibility to the everyday reader. While many of the concepts seem above readers’ heads, Noah’s direct, clear, and concise writing style ensures that he will not alienate an audience uninformed about the nuances of the US tax code.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

PICO Analysis

Question: Describe the Process you Used for Developing the PICO question? Answer: Introduction Immunization is one the most beneficial aspect of present medical advancement, which offers protection against life-threatening infection. The content of vaccines was derived from either live or dead attenuated pathogenic particles that trigger the immunological reactions in physiology. Often in society there present stereotypes and myths related to use of vaccine and immunization process. In the present scenario, parents are shown to have fear in conjunction with the development of side effects with MMR vaccine. Neurodegenerative development such as the risk of development of Autism in children is one of the common myth present in society. PCIO question The PICO question framed is, Does immunization with MMR vaccine in children, compared to non-immunized children, the present the risk of development of Autism? Population Children having immunization with MMR Intervention Immunization against measles with MMR vaccine Comparator Children with no immunization measures Outcome Probability or risk associated with development of Autism as side effect Thus, the objective of PICO analysis is to find evidence in conjunction with immunization in children with MMR vaccine. The evidence will be helpful in explaining parents regarding the myths and stereotypes associated with the usage of MMR vaccine. On the other hand, collection of evidence in the same regard is also useful to promote the immunization process. Promoting the benefit associated with vaccination and removing the misconceptions with eh help of evidences can thus helpful in controlling infection as well as facilitate healthy state in the community. Search for evidence In general the use of vaccine induces particular series of alteration in the physiological system, which accompanies certain mild to moderate symptoms (Hilton, Petticrew Hunt, 2007). The temporary side effects are present in the form of chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal upset. Conversely, there is the certain higher degree of stereotypes present in the society, which prevents the immunization among children. The situation is deleterious as it presents a risk of developing life-threatening risk in children. The searches for the evidence were made using the literature database containing peer-reviewed articles from scientific journals. Ordering of the references was made on the basis of self-judgment for the weakest to strongest point with reference to the PICO question. The specificity of consideration adopted while conducting literature search is to collection information that support the health beneficial aspect of vaccination. As discussed in the above section, the retracted report by Wakefield helps people in making their myth perception more robust, thus effort were given in search the literature that support its negativity. Literature explaining the beneficial aspect of vaccination and evidence that MMR vaccine is not responsible for any development retarding side effects were given preference. Hence, search literature in the same conjunction represents the sensitivity of the analysis. There exists a common stereotype notation among the parents that vaccination may harm the health and development aspect of children. Owing to this notation, often people neglect or having opposing views to for vaccination (Demicheli, Jefferson, Rivetti, Price, 2005). Interestingly, during the literature search one retracted article by Wakefield et al., 1998 was found that is linked with the generalization of MMR side effects in children (Wakefield, 1998 [retracted]). The paper is believed to be important as it correlates with the negative notation and factors corresponding to Autism development in children with MMR vaccine. Hence, other related articles were retrieved from the database to cross-refer the information that forms integral part of this report. The papers obtained were analyzed thoroughly for finding false positive and true negative information in conjunction to the framed PICO question as represented in Table 1. Types of evidence According to the retrieved paper, it was found that the authors have reported links between the gastrointestinal problems with vaccination among children. MMR vaccine is responsible for generating colitis and ileal lymphoid nodular hyperplasia among children, which give rise to several other complications. The gastrointestinal problems on the children health is more significant as it lead to impede the neuronal development relating to verbal, societal interacting phenomenon and non-verbal communication (Wakefield, 1998 [retracted]). Likewise, it is also reported that MMR vaccines have potential to induce inflammatory bowel syndrome among children that cause retardation of normal children growth (Wakefield, 1998 [retracted]). For the neuronal impairment part, the process of immunization is responsible for triggering stressor protein that potentially damage brain parts. The report by Wakefield is published in one of the reputed medical journal The Lancet which put significant impact ov er the community, as many researchers and public health workers implemented changes in care practice based on such report. Furthermore, it put impact over people with the help of generation of myths and stereotypes for vaccine usage. Based on this information, it is common not only for the population, but also for the scientific community to rethink the issue of immunization. Furthermore, the reason is sufficient to offer several stereotypes and myths in the community, which present immunization among children. Based on such information it is believed that the relevance of the PICO question framed is clearly represented. In other reports, it was found that the facts and reports presented the said paper by Wakefield is false and does not have any correlation with the real experimental results (Baird, 2008). Evidence in this regard were prepared by National Health Service of UK, Cochrane Library and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US National Academy of Science, which reveals that use of MMR vaccine is free from such side effects (Demicheli, 2005). Furthermore, there is no support regarding the role of MMR vaccine in developing any gastrointestinal side effects and neurodegenerative side effects (Doja Roberts, 2006; Mrozek-Budzyn, 2010). Apart from risk for development of Autism, MMR vaccine is also not responsible to support development of infection related to Crohns disease (Hilton, Petticrew Hunt, 2007), or any form of bacterial and viral infection (Speers Lewis, 2004). Hence, the fact that MMR vaccine is responsible for the development of Autism in children is false and has no link w ith vaccination. Conclusion Based on the evidence of various literatures, the editor of The Lancet, decided to retrieve the article from the journal in the year 2010. The impact of the report on the health beliefs and stereotypes for vaccination are present in society (Greenfield, 2010). The factor responsible for the same is being false scientific publication. Importantly, with the help of PICO analysis, it becomes evident that MMR vaccination has no risk of developing Autism among children. Table 1: List of reference and ranking from the order of strongest to weakest evidence in relation to PICO question. Evidence Authors (year) Order (strongest to weakest) Lack of association between measles-mumps-rubella vaccination and autism in children: A case-control study. Mrozek-Budzyn et al. 2010 Parents' champions vs. vested interests: who do parents believe about MMR? A qualitative study. Hilton et al. 2007 Immunizations and autism: a review of the literature. Doja et al. 2006 Vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella in children Demicheli et al. 2005 Journalists and jabs: Media coverage of the MMR vaccine Speers et al. 2004 References Baird, G., Pickles, A., Simonoff, E., Charman, T., Sullivan, P., Chandler, S., ... Brown, D. (2008). Measles vaccination and antibody response in autism spectrum disorders. Archives of disease in childhood, 93(10), 832-837. DOI: 10.1136/adc.2007.122937 Doja, A., Roberts, W. (2006). Immunizations and autism: a review of the literature. The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 33(4), 341-346. DOI:10.1017/s031716710000528x Demicheli, V., Jefferson, T., Rivetti, A., Price, D. (2005). Vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 4. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004407.pub2 Greenfield, K. T. (2010). The Autism Debate: Whos Afraid of Jenny McCarthy?. Retrieved from Hilton, S., Petticrew, M., Hunt, K. (2007). Parents' champions vs. vested interests: who do parents believe about MMR? A qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 7(1), 42. DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-7-42 Mrozek-Budzyn, D., Kieltyka, A., Majewska, R. (2010). Lack of association between measles-mumps-rubella vaccination and autism in children: A case-control study. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 29(5), 397-400. DOI: 10.1097/INF.0b013e3181c40a8a Speers, T., Lewis, J. (2004). Journalists and jabs: Media coverage of the MMR vaccine. Communication medicine, 1(2), 171-181. DOI:10.1515/come.2004.1.2.171 Wakefield, A.J., Murch, S.H., Anthony, A., Linnel, J., Casson, D.M., Malik, M., Berelowitz, M., Dhillon, A.P., Thomson, M.A., Harvey, P., Valentine, A., Davies, S.E., Walker-Smith, J.A. (1998)."Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children". The Lancet. 351(9103): 63741.doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(97)11096-0.PMID9500320.(Retracted). DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60175-4

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Comparison of Act 2 Scene 4 and Act 3 Scene 1 Essay Example

Romeo and Juliet Comparison of Act 2 Scene 4 and Act 3 Scene 1 Paper Romeo and Juliet is a play of contrasts. It is split into two parts; the first half which includes 2.4, this half is positive full of love and word play, and the second half where the tragedies happen, 3.1 is a pivotal scene in this half. In Act 2 Scene 4 Romeo and Mercutio use puns and jokes to laugh at eachother at the beginning whereas in Act 3 Scene 1 Benvolio makes an ominous comment about anticipating a fight. At this point Shakespeare uses pathetic fallacy These hot days, is the mad blood stirring He says the heat is making people angry. Hes scared if they stay there will be a fight. The locations in which these scenes take place are significant, Act 3 Scene 1 more so. They both take place in a public place, this is important because in 1.1 Prince declares If ever you disturb our streets again/ your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace This proves to be true. The key themes of the two scenes lead on well from their beginnings. The humour of 2.4 lasts for the whole scene, except when Romeo organises the wedding, contributing to the positive feel of the first two acts. In contrast to this 3.1 has unexpected twists like the death of Mercutio. Violence is a key theme also shown in the death of Tybalt. The avenging of Mercutios death is a matter of respect, another key theme. If Mercutio didnt have so much respect for Romeo he wouldnt have fought Tybalt and led to the tragedy. We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet Comparison of Act 2 Scene 4 and Act 3 Scene 1 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet Comparison of Act 2 Scene 4 and Act 3 Scene 1 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet Comparison of Act 2 Scene 4 and Act 3 Scene 1 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Tybalts anger towards Mercutio was partly due to him being aggravated by his puns and twisting of his words. This shows that Mercutio cant resist joking even though it contributes to his death. Shakespeare designed the character this way, even his name comes from the word mercurial meaning lively and quick-witted. When Mercutio is dying he continues to joke about being a grave man whereas in 2.4 Romeo stops joking when the top of Juliet is breached by her Nurse. The effect is that Romeo takes his marriage more seriously than Mercutio takes his own life. Romeo changes his attitude over both scenes. In 2.4 the change is small, he starts joking with Mercutio Why then is my pump well flowered? and then matures while speaking to the Nurse shrived and married. In 3.1 the change in him is very dramatic, he arrives after his wedding and is feeling like celebrating but instead Tybalt tries to force him into a fight which he refuses. He claims to Love thee (Tybalt) better than though canst devise. However he has no way of explaining that they are now cousins so Mercutio sees his actions as cowardice. Romeos kindness changes to hate when Mercutio is stabbed: Fire-eyed fury be my conduct now. He also blames Juliet for making weak, O sweet Juliet/ Thy beauty hath made me effeminate Avenging Mercutio is typical of Romeos behaviour. He cares about honour and outward appearance. His poetic language towards Juliet my heart dear love shows that he believes in love and romance. Shakespeare emphasises this by making name and romance so similar, as if they almost synominous with eachother. In 2.2 Juliet famously says, wherefore art thou Romeo, she wishes he has a name that isnt Montegue but instead of saying Montegue she says Romeo. If he wasnt a romantic then they wouldnt fall in love and wouldnt die. However she then says A rose by any other name would smell as sweet names are a strong theme in the play, many of the characters names reflect their personalities, this is the only time Shakespeare suggests names arent important. The violence and the curse in 3.1 would be shocking to an Elizabethan audience, who would strongly believe in black magic, unlike 2.4 which is the meeting of the two comic characters; Mercutio and the Nurse. Shakespeare would have included these scenes because of their importance to the story-line and character development, especially 3.1. Friar Laurence is in the scenes before both 2.4 and 3.1. In 2.3 Romeo goes to him to say he has been Feasting with mine enemy, hes been with Juliet even though she is the enemy of his family. He asks to be married, Friar Laurence agrees though he worried its too soon after his infatuation with Rosaline, however, he believes their union might bring their families together so says yes. Despite this decision he is still wary, he shows his concern again the scene before 3.1 when he tells Romeo to Love moderately, because Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. He means their sudden passionate love could burn out just as quickly and they will have to stay together without love. After both scenes Juliet confides in the Nurse. After she returns from speaking with Romeo the Nurse mocks Juliet by saying: I am a-weary, give me leave a while and Do you not see I am out of breath. She appears a little sad that Juliet is getting married, she doesnt want to lose her, but hides it under her jokes. In comparison her attitude in 3.2 is anger because Juliet is now married to a murder, he should have thought of her. Shes melodramatic about Tybalts death, O Tybalt, Tybalt, the best friend I had! They werent close but she wants some attention on her. There is a strong contrast between Juliet and her Nurse. Nurse jokes about sex, though wilt fall backward when thou hast more wit, her humour is vulgar and simpler than Mercutios intricate puns. She repeats herself, this makes her come across as unintelligent. Juliet, however, is smart and stays in control of her relationship with Romeo. She declares her love first and is the first to suggest Thy purpose marriage. Shes not a traditional woman of the time who would have been subservient to his wishes. She might have been so forward to earn herself a stronger position in their relationship but its more likely that she recognising how important it was to marry quickly so their families couldnt separate them and make her marry Paris. The structure and writing techniques Shakespeare uses in Romeo and Juliet are very complicated. He writes in iniambic pentameter. He uses both verse and prose depending on the importance of the passage. Romeo and Juliet share lines of sonnets when they declare their love for eachother and Mercutio does his Queen Madge speech in verse. However in less important scenes they speak in Prose In conclusion, the two scenes show that Romeo and Juliet really is a play of contrasts, however, they also show the links between the differences. Comments said in 2.4 predict actions and events in 3.1 despite the very different atmospheres, which proves the effectiveness of Shakespeares play of contrasts.